artist house // dusseldorf, germany


An artist house combines a place for an artist to work and to live. It is the place of his creations. The artist house offers an environment and the framework in which he can develop his ideas and works. It is also a place for cultural and social self-expression – where every kind of public is excluded. The designed house is located directly on the river Rhine at the media harbor in Dusseldorf – which has become a location for the cultural and creative. The artist home has to hold an environment that promotes the isolated thoughts of his ideas. At the same time, it offers a location in the

community rooms for cultural and social discussions in addition to a private living and working environment. Each individual studio has a living area next to the work studio but designed in a way- which seems far away from the purposed aisle. This creates the effect of a large distance of the rooms, which nevertheless lie next to each other. Through the consistent use of clear surfaces created by the use of reinforced concrete and simple geometric cubes to create the space, the artist can preserve the initiating ideas for creating a work throughout the entire process of his creation.




Als liebenswürdigste Ergänzung zu dem kosmopolitischen Leben der Baumeister mögen die Häuser gelten, welche sie in späteren Jahren für sich selbst in der Heimat bauen.
— Jacob Burckhardt
Kristina Lehmann